Laude Technologies

Laude Technologies is a security research and consulting firm specializing on finding vulnerabilites and weaknesses in softwares and web apps that are widely used to accomplish everyday computer activities. Founded in the year 2021 with the idea of developing higher sense of security in The Philippines and wider.


Vulnerability Assessment & Penetration Testing

We offer systematic and authorized attempt to evaluate the security of a computer system, network, or application by simulating real-world cyber attacks. Testing options, including: Internal, external, SOX / PCI DSS.

Red Teaming

We do physical or digital intrusion against an organization to test and improve an organization's defenses, identifying vulnerabilities and enhancing overall resilience against cyber threats.


We are a lean, cracked team equipped with industry-recognized certifications and has over 8 years of expertise in security testing dedicated to focusing on cybersecurity and nothing else.


Tel: +63 936 567 1353

e-Mail: [email protected] [GnuPG public key]

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